Historical Archive

Federfarma, no to band C in large-scale distribution


Allow commercial establishments equipped with a pharmacist to sell drugs currently classified in range C, to increase the points of sale of these drugs? The proposal put forward by Federdistribuzione and re-emerged in yesterday's Il Sole 24 Ore is not shared by Federfarma except in a note that states that «there would be no advantage, as the only result would be a vertical drop in the efficiency and capillarity of the pharmaceutical service . The network of pharmacies» continues the note «is today efficient and widespread thanks to the system of rules which establishes its presence in the area on the basis of the needs of the population, identified on the basis of certain parameters and which lead to an increase in the number of pharmacies every year . Furthermore, for the citizen the fact that the owner of the pharmacy must be a pharmacist and cannot be an economic entity or a commercial chain capable of bending the needs of the citizen to his own marketing choices is a further guarantee". Precisely what happens, according to the owners' association, with corners of supermarkets and parapharmacies "open to 90% by economic operators in the most commercially profitable areas, solely for the purpose of profit, with a simple unilateral communication to the Ministry of Health, without taking any account of the health needs of the inhabitants.

Parapharmacies: with the law I reorganize more unemployed 

Unemployment is the key that parapharmacy pharmacists touch most often when they have to explain their decisive "no" to the Gasparri-Tomassini bill. The confirmation comes from the last stage of our journey into the cosmos of the acronyms that represent the establishments born from the Bersani decree. «The bill 863 risks destroying parapharmacies» attacks Fabiola Cenisio, president of Assopacal «liberalization had stemmed the problem of unemployment among pharmacists, the Gasparri-Tomassini proposal would put both us pharmacists and our collaborators on the road. Our request? A law that transforms parapharmacies into non-contracted pharmacies, in order to be able to dispense class C drugs and give full meaning to our degrees". For Assopacal, in essence, the reorganization should put an end to the anomaly represented by parapharmacies, «a hybrid» continues Cenisio «between neighborhood businesses and commercial businesses. We don't consider ourselves second-class pharmacists, we want to be heard». Lino Busà, councilor of Anpi also agrees: «The Gasparri-Tomassini bill is a step back from the liberalization glimpsed with the Bersani decree. We don't understand why parapharmacies have to close now. We have received great consensus among consumers, as confirmed by the latest Altroconsumo survey. This bill does not seem to look at the citizens' interest, but at that of the owners' lobby". Even Busà feels a sort of fury against parapharmacies. «We are a small reality, easily

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