The distribution of medicines must be traced back to the local pharmacies, because they carry out a widespread service with a high approval rating. The appeal was launched by Annarosa Racca (photo), president of Federfarma, and Venanzio Gizzi, president of Assofarm, during the round table dedicated to the future of pharmacies, which was held within the Risk Management Forum. In particular, Gizzi also criticized the choice of some regions, above all Tuscany, to implement the direct distribution of medicines for economic reasons. "There is a run-up to those who save the most" is the warning "but in doing so there is the risk of impoverishing a fundamental professional reality that the service pharmacy is instead trying to enhance". Among the other hot topics is also remuneration: «We need to change it and reward the pharmacist». In this sense, Marcella Marletta of the Ministry of Health gave the "full availability of the Dicastery to open a table with Regions and pharmacies to discuss prospects, together with the question of direct distribution".
25 November 2011 – Pharmacist33