The President of the Federaisf Section of Messina Angelo Passini sent a note to the Director of TG2 on the statement disclosed by the program Costume e Società: "If we used generics as in other European countries, the National Health Service would save 300 million a year." See links:http://youtu.be/qkYR6prp1rs
Dear Director,
in the program of TG2 Costume e Società dated 21/11/2012, with regard to generic medicines it was stated: "if we used generics as in other European countries, the National Health Service would save 300 million a year", this is an incorrect statement that continues to circulate in the newspapers and on television, leading us to believe that generics save money and therefore are preferable because in this way we can solve the health problems of our country. So since it is not possible to make journalists understand that this is not the case, could you explain to me why this is the case? Excuse the question, but perhaps by posing the topic like this someone will discover that the State reimburses the pharmacist the lowest price (reference price) at that moment, among all the generics on the market, regardless of the name written on the prescription (brand or generic); therefore any difference is paid by the citizen who consciously chooses the more expensive one. With the new law on the obligation to prescribe the active ingredient on medical prescriptions, Minister Balduzzi practically favors only generics, excluding "brand" names (which often differ by a few cents or have the same reference price) without any savings for the State. It is as if someone were forcing you to buy a dress or a pair of shoes from a certain company without leaving you free choice at your expense. This will lead to a loss of jobs for most of the pharmaceutical companies of "branded" products which, having a certain number of Pharmaceutical Representatives, therefore have higher costs unlike generic companies which often do not have ISF but only sales agents who go to the pharmacy to carry out promotional campaigns with super discounts. I remind you that the laws on scientific information oblige pharmaceutical companies that market drugs prescribed by the NHS to have ISFs who also have the task of reporting to their companies and the Ministry of Health any side effects encountered by the medical profession after the drug has been placed on the market; therefore the ISFs also have a role in protecting public health. Greetings Angelo Passini