Fedaiisf Naples and Foggia. Participation in the sale of solidarity Easter eggs

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We thank the Fedaiisf Naples and province (Federazione degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e del Parafarmaco) che supporta il Gma Napoli nell’attività di sostegno dei bambini in Etiopia e nei progetti per lo sviluppo delle popolazioni emarginate e che hanno necessità di aiuto to begin their journey to improve their living conditions.

On April 7, some isf members of the Naples and province section will be present, together with us, in Piazza Troisi in San Giorgio, from 9 to 13.30, for the sale of solidarity Easter eggs, the proceeds of which will go to our Casa project Alem to host girls in Ethiopia deprived of home, family and education. ?? ?

The Gmanapoli, acronym of “Alem Mission Group” (world, in the Amharic language), is a secular voluntary organization that is committed to enhancing the Ethiopian social and cultural heritage and promoting the integral developmentle of the person, looking at his fundamental rights. The instrument through which it works is the SaD - Distance Support - with which it is possible to guarantee a home, medical care, education and training for children and women. They have been working in the communities of Halaba, Asella and Shashamane, Ethiopia for more than 15 years.

GMA Naples

Anche quest’anno la sezione foggiana collabora con ABC (Associazione Bambini Cerebrolesi) per la raccolta fondi tramite la vendita di uova di Pasqua. Il ricavato servirà in parte a terminare il pagamento di un furgoncino acquistato lo scorso anno anche grazie al nostro contributo, in parte a finanziare un corso per 20 ostetriche africane gestito da Medici per L’Africa

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