BLSD course for ISF
The BLSD course (Basic Life Support and for the first 13 scientific representatives of the province of Modena on life support techniques (heart massage), use of the defibrillator and unblocking of the airways.
It was a very instructive experience because it made us aware of emergency intervention methods that could be very useful for saving a person in danger of life and which, in the context of our work, made us more aware of the responsibility 'social that we have and that we must exercise in case of need'.
The course was held by ANPAS Emilia Romagna trainers Fabio Poletti, Andrea Mengozzi, Michele Iannuzzi, Luca Mancini and Patrizia Bianchi, coordinated by the medical director Dr. Giuseppe Sarnataro.
As FEDAIISF Emilia-Romagna we are activating all the provincial sections to ensure that all registered colleagues who wish to can participate in the course at the expense of Fedaiisf.
It is an experience that all ISFs should have in order to have a capillary network of trained lay people in the area.
The Fedaiisf board of Modena