Rome, July 2nd 2013
egr. Prof. Claudius DeVincenti
Undersecretary to the Ministry
of economic development
object: Technical Table on Pharmaceuticals
A technical table on pharmaceuticals was recently set up to address the various problems of the sector with all the players involved in the pharmaceutical and healthcare supply chain in general.
We hereby ask you to be part of this important moment of discussion as the Federation of Italian Associations of Pharmaceutical Representatives - Fedaiisf.
This presence is also hoped for in the light of what was expressed by the then president of the Senate Health Commission, and in the light of the recent conversation with the AIFA general management, regarding the possible feedback from informants, who contact at least 150 thousand doctors, twenty thousand pharmacies and about one million patients every day. Whistleblowers therefore have the possibility of verifying, in real time, the extent of government initiatives by listening to the "critical basis" of legislative provisions.
Waiting for a kind reply, we send our best regards.
Fabio Carinci
National President