Historical Archive

Events in Florence: debate at RTV38


Colleagues from Florence informed us that last Thursday, 7 October, the local Fiorentina broadcaster, RTV38, organized a broadcast whose theme was the relationship between pharmaceutical industries, doctors and ISF. A Colleague representing the local AIISF/UnISF Section was invited to the broadcast.

The transmission was of considerable importance as it was carried out following the clamor aroused by the well-known scandal involving the Florentine Prof. Lotti and some pharmaceutical companies.  In these events, unfortunately, the ISF represent, in the collective and above all the media imagination, the first and main perpetrators of corruption.

In such a context, in which the predestined sacrificial lamb could be the ISF, a qualified presence capable of defending our professional figure and the honest work of thousands of ISF could not be missing. This difficult and thankless task fell to my colleague Giacomo Navarra, Vice-President of the Florence Section.

Giacomo, with punctuality, calmness and sobriety, outlined with irrefutable elements some data of our working reality. He demonstrated, in that show, that he is the most objective person, the least sided, the least in need of "defend in advance". Despite the undeservedly insufficient space, Giacomo Navarra still managed to make the most of the opportunities to speak that were granted to him by the host and tell it like it is.

We are grateful to him for this and we report the message that President Mondì sent:

I want to express my personal appreciation for what Mr Navarra has done. It is precisely episodes such as the one reported by colleagues Benci and Dolis, to whom I applaud for having reported the incident, that give strength and desire to continue committing. Congratulations on your professional and, I'm sure, human qualities as well. 

Cordial greetings,

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Fedaiisf Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane degli Informatori Scientifici del Farmaco e del Parafarmaco