Sthe scheduled meeting of Faschim, the chemical health care fund, was held in Milan on 11/18/2015, which was also attended by our member. The governing bodies of the Fund underlined how Faschim, although not particularly involved in the recent renewal of the national collective bargaining agreement, together with Fonchim represents the flagship within the industrial relations system as a participatory model.
This excellent tool at the service of workers must be defended and protected. In fact, a creeping maneuver is underway by the Government and the Minister of Health in particular, to make the Funds the result of careful and responsible negotiation between the entrepreneurial and social parties equivalent to the Funds of insurance origin, imposing even onerous tasks that should not be within their jurisdiction. In the panorama of about 300 supplementary health care funds, only a minority of these brings together the largest number of associates and among these the Faschim stands out, which performs an effective social function.
Everything else actually represents financial speculation with initiatives exclusively for profit. In this regard, an incisive stance was also requested by the social forces to counter this interference also with regard to the Faschim which enjoys its own organisational, financial and managerial autonomy built independently, just as the services were decided independently without constraints and legislative interference . It is necessary to monitor and react at a time when closed-ended funds are being discredited and the collaboration mechanism in the contractual sphere is questioned in bad faith, which has generated true islands of excellence.
Entering into the merits of the Fund's activities and future prospects, it was highlighted that there is an appeal, probably inappropriate for some services and therefore it was necessary to intervene with some changes to the Regulations. Small things that, however, secure the entire Faschim system for the next few years. Among these, in the intervention area of specialist visits, from 1 January 2016, in order to ensure greater prescribing appropriateness, the request of the general practitioner will be requested starting from the fourth specialist visit.
As far as physiotherapy is concerned, having ascertained "inappropriate" behavior aimed at maximizing reimbursements, a maximum number of 40 sessions in the calendar year had to be established, except in particularly serious cases and accidents. Finally, for the daily allowance, with the aim of preventing "anomalous" behaviour, it was decided that a photocopy of the medical record should be requested for hospitalizations of more than 10 days and this taking into account that the average hospital stay in Italy is 6.8 days .
Once again, UGL Chimici draws the attention of all workers to the validity of the Faschim based on an authentically solidarity mechanism, an instrument of contrast to the continuous restrictions and difficulties of public health.
Rome, November 25th 2015
UGL – The National Secretariat
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