Italy distances itself considerably from the most advanced European countries in terms of research and patents, but is better positioned in terms of companies' propensity for innovation. The research and development (R&D) to GDP ratio stands at 1.3% against a European average of 2% and a target of 3%. This is what emerges from the Bes Report produced by Istat and Cnel. More than half of the expenditure is supported by companies, but the European objective which foresees a significant commitment of private individuals in research is still a long way off. The number of patents is also only 73.3 per million inhabitants against a European average of 108.6. In the three-year period 2008-2010, however, Italian companies introduced product, process, organizational or marketing innovations in the 54% of cases, placing itself above the European average (49%).
March 12, 2013 – PharmaKronos
pr 12/3/2013 Chiesi at the top among companies that patent in Italy – the only one from Emilia among the top 5
Parma 12 March Manufacturing, chemicals and automotive. They are the leading sectors of Made in Italy innovation together with pharmaceuticals and telecommunications. The patent applications sent in 2012 to the European patent office (EPO), the body that registers the applications for a unified European patent, are concentrated in these sectors. The number of applications from our country is 4,735, down (-3.4%) on 2011. In first place with 72 applications stands Indesit, which in 2012 invested 90 million in Research & Development.
Massive investments on the rise, 197 million against 169 in 2011, for Paolo Chiesi, vice president and R&D director of the Chiesi pharmaceutical Group of Parma who is placed in 5th place overall, the only Emilian in the ranking, which highlights the difficulties companies move: «There is a lack of direct contributions and the shortage of tax incentives makes it increasingly difficult to maintain these activities in Italy. We have a portfolio with over 1,400 global patents that ensure us a competitive position and we reinvest the revenues associated with the introduction of new drugs on world markets into research».
by Stefano Catellani – viaemilia.net