Doctors and drug companies together with the institutions against Covid-19
FNOMCeO Press Office – 17 April 2020
In these weeks of tragic emergency for the country, FNOMCeO, FIMMG and Farmindustria have strengthened their mutual collaboration, with constant contacts to ensure continuity of medical assistance and access to therapies for all patients in Italy who need them. Because to defeat Covid-19 in Italy, alongside national and local institutions, we need to work together in a context of a new "normality" in which everything changes: personal, professional and social relationship habits.
For this reason, the meetings, albeit virtual, between the Doctors' Federations and Farmindustria allow in these days an in-depth reflection on the scenario that will follow the first phase of the epidemic. A scenario that precisely on the basis of current experience requires ever greater interaction between even stronger and more open skills and collaborations between health actors.
In this context, doctors represent a value for the NHS. And so are both the doctors in the area, who have always been the first fundamental safeguard for the health of citizens, even more relevant at the moment, and the hospital doctors who have been at the service of patients and families day and night for many weeks. The entire category reacted with courage and generosity, paying for their commitment with the lives of many colleagues.
This unexpected and dramatic picture has also made it easier to understand the need to guarantee the continuity of ECM training and scientific information on all therapies. Current experience is showing both doctors and businesses ways they can study and perfect together. With solutions shared with the institutions and methods that can complement those in use today with those offered by new technologies. Just as the role that family doctors can play in prevention and pharmaceutical research needs to be better defined through their experience with observational and real-world evidencefor the benefit of patients.
Because their contribution can really help pharmaceutical companies both in the search for new drugs and vaccines, and in clinical research and in accessing therapies to enable adherence to treatment.
It is a common path that FNOMCeO, FIMMG and Farmindustria together will continue for a future full of hope, with concrete proposals and tools to face the new normality that is reshaping society.
Related news: Fimmg. Doctors and drug companies together with the institutions against Covid-19
Farm industry. Doctors and drug companies together with the institutions against Covid-19