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"Senator Manzione's amendment, concerning the obligation to prescribe the active ingredient for drugs totally paid for by the citizen, deserves the most careful and informed reconsideration by the Senate Hall" writes Sergio Dompè, president of Farmindustria, who in a note expressed a strict no to the amendment to the Budget law, approved by the Senate Budget Committee, which requires the doctor to indicate in the prescription only the active ingredient of class C drugs (not reimbursed by the NHS). "If the absence of any public finance economy is evident, since it is a matter of drugs that the consumer pays in full - specifies Dompè - nevertheless the citizen is penalized, in particular the weaker one, by the elimination of transparency and the virtuous competition of brands. The obscuring of brands produces lower investments in research - underlines the president of Farmindustria - Paradoxical then becomes the factual shift of responsibility from the doctor, who is the only one who knows the specific needs of the patient, to the pharmacist who would be in charge of opening a dialogue with the patient about the prices and the virtues of the individual products. No demagoguery – he warns – can justify the elimination of one of the few market spaces in the healthcare system".
Source "Farmacista33"

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