Farmigea. 62 ISF fired!

I 62 ISF dell azienda Farmigea srl, che si occupa di prodotti oculistici, hanno ricevuto la settimana scorsa la raccomandata di licenziamento collettivo con la motivazione che la proprietà ha deciso di vendere tutti i suoi farmaci ad un ‘altra azienda, la Polifarma, per cui la linea di ISF sul territorio non ha più ragione di esistere.

La proposta agli ISF licenziati è semplicemente quella di affidarsi, per chi vuole, ad un agenzia di ricollocamento…

He had passed away in recent days Alberto Federighi, Viareggio by adoption. He was 90 years old and was one of the owners and directors of the pharmaceutical company Farmigea based in Pisa, born on April 4, 1946, as a small cosmetics factory and then became a leader in the ophthalmology products sector. For over 70 years Farmigea has been led by the Federighi family. Alberto, in the nineties was also vice president of the Industrial Union.

Farmigea it had been taken over by Antonio Federighi in 1946, a local agricultural entrepreneur. The new owner immediately resigned and entrusted the management of the company to his two eldest sons Alberta Laura and Leopoldo,

In 1988 Mario Federighi, Alberto's nephew and future managing director, began working in the company's foreign trade area.

In 2001, following a family buyout operation by the third Farmigea generation, Leopoldo's sons, Federigo And Mario, still at the top, acquire the majority and since then the company has experienced important changes and measured itself against international challenges.

Polifarma SpA was founded in Italy in 1919. Since June 1999 Polifarma has been part of Final Spa, a financial group headed by Mrs. Luisa Angelini, who, after leaving the family group, took over Polifarma. In November 2016 Polifarma signed an agreement to enter the ophthalmology market, which, according to a union agreement, would have allowed the development of a new line of ISF (25 hires). The workers will have to be hired gradually from 1 January 2017 with the CCNL. In this context, the company should also proceed with the stabilization of workers already working under an agency contract.

Related news: Farmigea. The collective redundancy procedure has been opened for all the ISFs

Polifarma OO.SS Agreement dated 12/20/2016

Polifarma. Collective redundancy 2012

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