Federfarma has, in fact, proclaimed the state of agitation of the pharmacies against the measures contained in the Bersani decree-law "which distort the structure of the pharmaceutical service". The Presidency Council, convened for a permanent meeting, has decided on a series of protest initiatives, including a day of closure of pharmacies throughout Italy, on a date that will be decided by the National Assembly in the coming days. Meanwhile Federfarma requests an urgent meeting with the Prime Minister Romano Prodi. In a note, Federfarma harshly stigmatizes the fact that "the measures were launched, after a nocturnal blitz, without the consultation announced several times by the Prime Minister himself and without taking any account of the proposals made by pharmacists to improve the service and reduce costs paid by citizens. Already during the electoral campaign, these proposals had received the appreciation of the current Prime Minister, the Minister of Health and the Minister for the Implementation of the Program who today acknowledges the positive confrontation started during the electoral campaign”. Particularly serious, for Federfarma, is the use of a decree-law to modify structural rules that serve to protect the health of citizens and whose importance was recently confirmed by the Constitutional Court. From DoctrorNews 04-07-06