The pharmaceutical governance review postponed by one year (to December 31, 2017). Twelve months more time (deadline at 1 January 2018) for the new remuneration system for the drug distribution chain to become operational. The postponement of the procedures for launching and concluding extraordinary competitions for doctors, technicians and nurses - provided for by the law of Stability in 2016 - respectively at the end of 2017 and the end of 2018. Finally, new flexible contracts allowed in the NHS area up to the maximum deadline of 31 October 2017.
Therefore, the new deadlines allowed, in the field of health, by the Milleproroghe decree, which today received the green light from the Council of Ministers, concern medicines and personnel.
(… continue on Sanità24 of Il Sole 24ORE of 29 December 2016 by Red. St.)
The draft of the “Milleproroghe” law decree
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