17:46 04 MAR 2013
(AGI) - Rome, March 4. – The guidelines for the adaptation of the IT procedures of the electronic prescription, after the entry into force of the obligation to indicate the active ingredient in the prescription of the National Health Service, are "to be reviewed". This was underlined by the national secretary of Fimmg, Giacomo Milillo, to Fimmg Notizie. "The regulation - explains Milillo - in fact also provides for the repetition of a prescription for a chronic therapy, if indicated by the doctor, the non-replaceability, a notation not required by law and this represents a useless bureaucratic complication. The regulation also does not provides for any revision of the coding necessary to identify with certainty the pharmaceutical forms prescribed with only the active ingredient: this would make it impossible to dematerialize the prescriptions".
The new features will be made available by the Health Card system from 15 March 2013, also for the "web recipe" application. While waiting for all the IT systems to be adapted, starting from that date a special message will signal any inconsistency if the data sent by doctors and pharmacists do not comply with the methods indicated in the Guidelines. In any case, this will not preclude the acquisition of the recipes to the TS system. The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economy and Finance will carry out periodic monitoring, in order to detect the gradual adaptation of IT systems by the prescribers and providers to the procedures contained in the Guidelines. (AGI) .
The electronic prescription arrives at the pharmacy. Goodbye to the 'red recipe'
On March 6, the experimentation with the local health authority and public and private pharmacies starts. By July the service will be fully operational with all the pharmacies in the Imola district to extend throughout the region by the end of the year.
Bologna 4 March 2013. From Wednesday 6 March the citizens of the imol