Enpa takes the field in support of the campaign "promoted by the Tuscan PD - reads a note from the Animal Protection Body - and by Senator Silvana Amati, a collection of signatures for the introduction of generic veterinary drugs, which goes in the direction hoped by us to fight the 'expensive medicines' for pets".
"Taking care of pets - underlines Enpa - has become an unsustainable cost for Italian families, already severely tried by the crisis and by an extremely onerous tax burden.
In fact, the current legislation provides that veterinarians cannot prescribe medicines for human use to their animal patients if more expensive veterinary medicines are available with the same therapeutic indications. According to what is calculated by the Animal Protection, in some cases the transition from human medicines to veterinary medicines involves in some cases a burden well above the 100% ".
The Enpa has calculated that "the cost of ranitidine (gastroprotector for ulcers), for example, has increased from 8.59 to 16 euros; that of cephalosporins (a powerful bactericide) from 3.9 euros to 27.5, while the Benazepril - a drug indicated for heart failure - went from 7.76 euros to 18.9".
"Obviously these are costs relating to the single package - adds the Enpa - and not to the entire duration of the therapy which can also extend over time and which in some cases can be prescribed for the animal's entire life.
We share the need to ensure greater safety for animal patients, but we do not understand the mot