18/01/2013 – Il Sole 24 Ore
Health. Bocconi study on the price lists of five countries - Companies: we are suffering
Robert Turn
19% less in pharmacies and 1'8 less in hospitals, with a total average bad loan of 14.6% on the total market. The prices of medicines (industry revenue) in Italy are at the bottom of the class compared to Germany, France, England and Spain, the top four European competitors. And they would be even lower if the list values were to include the effects of all the discounts applied at national and local level, including paybacks, spending caps, payment by results, risk and cost sharing.
These conclusions are reached by a study carried out by Cergas Bocconi on Ims data which compared the price lists of medicines in the 5 big EU, updating a previous study which this time also includes hospital pharmaceuticals and those without patents. With the result that by almost all comparisons the Italian market would be the least advantageous for the pharmaceutical industries. With only two exceptions: in Spain the prices of hospital medicines are cheaper by 15.2% while in England unpatented medicines cost less on average