Some of the active ingredients 80% purchased to make medicines in Europe come from China or India. And these are 'raw materials' that do not show a certificate Gmp (Good Manufacturing Practices), required instead for products that leave European companies. To protect the health of consumers in the old continent, therefore, it would be necessary to extend compliance with the guidelines adopted in the EU at an international level and promote more inspections. This is the appeal launched in Rome by the experts gathered on the occasion of 'Bulk@Italy', a meeting organized by Aschimfarma (National Association of Pharmaceutical Raw Materials) e Federchimica ongoing through Friday. "We have no traceability of our active ingredients - underlined Gian Mario Baccalini, president of Aschimfarma, during the round table 'The safety of active pharmaceutical ingredients: positive signals for consumer health' organized during Bulk@Italy - and, as regards products imported from Asian countries, we have no control over their quality and reliability. In India and China there are wonderful industries, I don't doubt it, which certainly work in compliance with the 'famous' Gmp. But this - points out Baccalini - is not verified and certified according to fixed rules, as is the case in Italy, where experts from the Ministry of Health inspect all production cycles and give or not the 'ok'.
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