Rome, 4 Oct. (Adnkronos Salute) - Denounce local health authorities and pharmacists. This is the invitation of the president of FederAnziani, Roberto Messina, who intervenes with a note on the issue after the news of the hunger strike started yesterday by the national secretary of the Italian association against epilepsy (Aice) in protest against the payment by epileptic patients of the difference in price for more expensive but non-replaceable medicines for their therapy. "What is happening is against the law and against the Balduzzi decree", underlines Messina. "The decree is clear - he continues - the law 135/2012 in paragraph 11-bis art. 15 provides that these rules are exclusively reserved for new chronic patients. Therefore, all those who prescribe different drugs to already chronic patients make a mistake". Messina appeals to the Government "on the urgency of a law that gives AIFA the right power to enforce what the state regulatory body indicates. What can AIFA do more than inform doctors that they do not have to prescribe generics for such treatments?" FederAnziani, announces the president, "as of now makes all the legal offices available free of charge to patients or their families who need them, reminding them that in addition to going on a hunger strike, there are police stations to report the 'distortion of a law', as well as the failure to respect chronicity and the right to health. The law is very clear, it must only be respected. We citizens who take note of what is happening, in spite of ourselves, have the task of enforcing it through the only possibility we have left: judicial litigation".