"Rethinking the organizational and structural model of the National Health Service (NHS) can no longer be postponed". This was stated by Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin, in her first official outing, at the CISL medical congress in Rome. According to the new minister, there are many reasons that lead to a rethinking of the model, namely "the reform of title V, technological evolution, the aging of the population, the need to contain spending". The health services of many European countries "are suffering, so it is our task to make our model competitive in Europe. We must be proud of what we have and correct, honestly and rigorously, what is wrong.
We must offer Europe a model of high professionalism and specialization, we must enhance our family jewels and when I meet my other European colleagues in July, I will be the spokesperson for this aspect".
May 9, 2013 – PharmaKronos
Lorenzin: discontinuity and guarantees, no to new cuts