Twelve Regions "out with the accusation" and over 1.5 billion in total deficit at the end of the year. Which for the great part will be paid by the industries. While the Government tries to rake in what it can to make ends meet and settle the non-payment of the IMU on the first home and the VAT increase, with Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin who for her part promises not to charge 2 billion more co-payments since 2014, the first bad health news of 2013 comes from public pharmaceuticals.
For the moment, these are only forecasts, based on the trend in state-sponsored expenditure for drugs in the first quarter of the year. But the expenditure trend for pills and syrups reimbursed by the State, just elaborated by Alta (Italian Medicines Agency) - as anticipated by the latest issue of the weekly II Sole-240re Sanità - is already more than an alarm bell for the Regions and for the entire pharmaceutical supply chain. Which is giving rise to new concerns, combined with those of the industrial crisis in the sector and the uncertainties due to the failure to launch the new Prontuario, which was expected for the end of June and of which traces have been lost.
Changed last year, one downwards (for the territorial) and the other upwards (for the hospital), both expenditure ceilings for pharmaceuticals are at high risk of being breached.
For territorial expenditure, the announced red is 420.7 million with a ceiling that would rise to 11.7% compared to the budget of 11.35%, with the maximum peak of 14.6% in Sardinia and the minimum in Bolzano (8%).
For hospital pharmaceuticals, on the other hand, the deficit at the end of the year would be 1.150 billion (final ceiling at 4.6% instead of 3.5%), with Puglia at the top (6.6%) and only two Regions (Valle d'Aosta and Trento) in order.
In the total calculation there would be 12 Regions with expenditure values extra overall budget: Umbria, Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli VG and then the small Valle d'Aosta, Trento and Bolzano. With Sardinia, Puglia, Lazio, Sicily, Calabria and Campania leading the blacklist.
Even if then for the territorial expenditure (which also adds up the tickets) industries and distribution pay in full, while for the