Turnovers in reverse and a 2011 budget closed with a negative net result of 20.7 million euros (against the profit of 15.8 declared the year before). These are the triggers of the drastic treatment adopted a year ago by the Sigma-Tau United Pharmaceutical Industries of Pomezia (Rome), one of the most important international pharmaceutical companies with entirely Italian capital, with almost 2,500 employees and plants all over the world. The crisis – which unfolded over the months between indefinite strikes, parliamentary questions and a thousand controversies – resulted in May in the extraordinary Cig for 569 workers: over a third of the 1,400 employed at the plant.
Meanwhile, in addition to cutting its largest plant, the group has also decided to close the research centers of Piana di Monte Verna (Caserta) and Settimo Milanese, while there are rumors of a new request for layoffs for another 146 workers.
Owner of products in the main therapeutic areas Sigma-Tau owns a portfolio of over 100 products marketed in Italy and abroad, has filed around 300 patents since 1998 and acquired – in January 2010 – the pharmaceutical company branch of the US company Enzon, owner of 4 products for the treatment of rare oncological diseases.
2 January 2013 – S.To. - The sun 24 hours