A sharp rejection for the obligation to prescribe the active ingredient and for the drug to be replaced by the pharmacist. Thumbs down, then, also for the agreements with Local Health Authorities or Regions on the containment of pharmaceutical expenditure in defiance of appropriateness and for the reference price. A strong disavowal of the choices adopted by the Regions on the pharmaceutical expenditure front has come from the Fimmg National Council. In the resolution on drug policy, approved by the National Council, the GPs point out that the responsibility for prescribing falls entirely on the general practitioner. A series of measures end up in the crosshairs: the prescription obligation for active ingredients; the reference price or the substitutability of the product by the pharmacist without the doctor's authorization and in the absence of bioequivalence lists that also take into account the characteristics of the devices necessary for administration. And again, the agreements that provide economic incentives for the containment of pharmaceutical expenditure tout-court have been rejected. As well as the rules that provide for sanctions in the event of breaching of expenditure ceilings or failure to comply with prescriptive profiles, in the absence of an assessment of the clinical complexity of the patients. Secco no, finally, to the measures that provide for the obligation to indicate the diagnosis and disease code in the medical prescription. While the GPs promote the prescription of expired patent drugs which represent "a resource for the rationalization of pharmaceutical expenditure".
Il Sole 24 Ore Sanita' of 23/12/2008 N. 50 – 23-29 DECEMBER 2008 p. 24