RRome, 22 Dec. (Adnkronos) – “The meeting that took place today at the Department of Labor for the Sigma Tau dispute was updated with an initial result obtained. Compared to the initial procedure which concerned 569 workers, the agreement reached provides for the request for extraordinary layoffs for 100 fewer workers. For the remaining 255 employees of the Pomezia plant, to which must be added the approximately 200 technical-scientific informants included in the corporate reorganization plan and who deal with commercial aspects throughout the national territory, the dispute has been adjourned for early January. This is a first result which, with everyone's commitment, can be further improved in anticipation of the next meetings”. This was declared by the Councilor for Labor and Training of the Lazio Region, Mariella Zezza, at the end of the meeting convened for the Sigma Tau dispute in Pomezia.
“As already anticipated in recent days – underlines Zezza – we have given our willingness to put in place every useful tool to safeguard the social aspects of the affair and to favor a resumption of the site's production activities. I am sure that by continuing this constructive discussion and giving life, with the good will of all the subjects involved, to the District of the Institutions of the territory, it will be possible to obtain other positive responses for the workers of Pomezia".
Another hard battle that took place today in the Region, in the offices of the Department of Labor Policies, between the union representatives and the workers of Sigma Tau, the pharmaceutical company which at the end of November had drastically announced the use of social safety nets for more than half of its employees at the Pomezia plant, and the managers of the company. From the meeting, mediated by Councilor Mariella Zezza and which lasted more than five hours, n