Rome, 7 May. (Adnkronos Salute) – 'High tech' promotional visits? Yes thank you, enthusiastic American doctors seem to say, according to a new study, about the use of the iPad during visits by drug sales representatives. This is what emerges from 'iPad Reps: Evaluating the Success of Early Initiatives & Identifying Strategic Opportunities in 2012', a survey conducted on 1,755 overseas 'white coats' by Manhattan Research, which precisely examines the experiences of doctors with informants equipped with tablet during their visits. Since the iPad's launch in 2010, pharmaceutical companies have devoted a considerable amount of time and investment to making it a functional promotional tool. The results for 2011 show that the 'white coats' who interacted with the ISF even by touching the iPad screen were significantly more prone to define the meeting as 'satisfactory' and to admit that this experience then influenced their clinical decisions. Conversely, only a quarter of the 30% of doctors who saw an ISF with an iPad touched the device during the visit. “The pharmaceutical sector is highly optimistic about the iPad and the impact it could have on face-to-face promotion between ISFs and doctors. But there is still a long way to go to optimize the successful use of tablets” , notes report author Monique Levy.