(Teleborsa) – Either way from Pfizer to Astrazeneca, after a courtship that lasted at least a month, since the American pharmaceutical giant set its sights on the British competitor at the end of April.
Then followed close negotiations and various offers, gradually improving, by the US company, which in the end put 117 billion dollars on the plate. The board of Astrazeneca, however, promptly rejected every proposal arriving from overseas, including the latest one, considering each offer inadequate to express the value of the European pharmaceutical company. In reality, Pfizer's withdrawal from the game had already been anticipated by the number one of the company Ian Read, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, to whom he confessed that "there is nothing more that Pfizer can offer Astrazeneca to convince it to accept the offer”. Now, the American company writes in a brief note: "After the rejection of our proposal by the AstraZeneca board, Pfizer announces that it does not intend to make any other offer". "We continue to believe that the latest offer is fair and represents the value of Astrazeneca, based on the information in our possession", underlines the Pfizer CEO, adding that "As stated from the outset, we believe that this transaction represents a potential strengthening our diversification strategy”.