Now 1,290 employees are returning to full-time work
Florence, March 13. (askanews) – The Menarini group has decided to close existing solidarity contracts for 1,290 employees 8 months in advance, who can thus return to their full-time duties. The communicates the company in a note which reads that it is "an extraordinary result that rewards the choice of having proposed and implemented at the time, together with the unions, in a moment of serious difficulty, an alternative path to layoffs, one that is supportive and responsible".
The defensive solidarity contracts, with a 30% reduction in the working activity of each worker, were the consequence of the systematic penalisation to which the pharmaceutical sector was subjected in past years, and which reached its maximum in 2012.
"The enhancement of the role of the pharmaceutical sector by the current government - continues the note - the consequent changed overall scenario and the greater stability of the regulations that concern it, combined with the new opportunities that will allow the launch of new products, have created the conditions for a positive and early conclusion of solidarity contracts, and allow us to look to the future with more optimism. However, we hope that this positive path for employment and the importance of the pharmaceutical sector will finally be understood and appreciated also by the Regions, which up to now continue to re-propose the old and short-sighted penalization schemes of our sector, systematically requesting reductions in funds for pharmaceutical".
Related news: FEDAIISF replies to a Colleague of the Menarini Group on Solidarity Contracts.