Rome, 12 April. – (Adnkronos Salute) – Homonyms, names or surnames that do not correspond, registered several times or which do not appear as members of the medical register, being for example nurses or other health professionals. These are the main causes of non-conformances found in the 7% medical files 'scanned' by Pharmasoft, which presented today in Rome, in the Senate, the 1st Annual Report on the state of health of the archives of healthcare professionals authorized to prescribe medicines, visited and managed by pharmaceutical organizations as set forth by legislative decrees 219/06 and 196/03.
The report, published by Pharmasoft which independent certification body, contains the results of the checks carried out from January to December 2011 on the state of conformity of the archives of doctors visited by pharmaceutical companies that spontaneously underwent the verification process according to the Sgcmf procedure, a total of 17. Among these, there is a clear prevalence of multinationals, 14 out of 17, probably due to their greater habit of dealing with even very restrictive policies and procedures.
The data reveals that during 2011 the master data submitted for certification, almost a million and a half, have reached an average compliance level of 92.5%. More generally, there is an increase in average compliance equal to approximately 4% over 2010 (it was 89.7%). The non-compliance occurs when a name subjected to verification does not meet the requirements of the control procedure: in 56% it is related to the name of the doctor that does not correspond and in 20% to the surname. Cases of homonymy are also very frequent, situations that are created with similar surnames such as: Rossi, Bianchi, etc. In 2% of the cases, names not registered in the provincial register were found: these are cases of incorrect filing of a nurse or other healthcare operator.
"The certification of the medical recordsunderstood as an assessment of the quantity, quality and reliability of the data contained – he highlighted Riccardo Giannetti, president of Pharmasoft [Editor's note: former ISF Roche] – it is an essential prerequisite for correct management, security and compliance of the personal data of medical subjects, collected during the information activity. The companies that submit to this control are virtuous companies, which have embarked on a growth path to eliminate 'dirty' data from their archives".
"Pharmaceutical companies – he continued – they are key players in the entire health system. But so is the medical-scientific information activity carried out daily by serious and trained professionals towards doctors, in the