Genoa – The problem, as the prosecutors clearly explain, is not in the individual figures of the fraud, or in what has been discovered so far. The problem is that you don't know how long it lasted. And it is difficult to think of an isolated case.
The consideration comes on the sidelines of the request for indictment formulated in recent days against a doctor and a pharmacist. Which, in the opinion of the Nas carabinieri and the prosecutors who followed up on their information, had concocted a classic "ridge" on medicines: charged to the ASL, then to the Region, then to all of us.
The doctor prescribed pills in inflated doses, useless and often without the patient's knowledge. And the pharmacist collected reimbursements, thanks to those requests, oversized with respect to the actual needs and purchases of its customers. This, at least, is the accusation of the prosecution.
They are thus finished in the viewfinder Luigi Piazza (the general practitioner), 65 years old, e Giovanna Puletto, 54 years old, from the "Fossa" pharmacy in via Giacomo Matteotti in Torriglia. For both, the magistrates requested the trial for fraud against the State (since the Region is a public body) in competition, circumscribing a series of recipes compiled by Piazza in the two-year period 2009-2010, and by Puletto on paper fulfilled in the same period. Those prescriptions, it was reiterated in a report from the Arma delivered some time ago to the courthouse, were bogus. In the sense that often, the police have found, the theoretical recipient of the drug did not even know of the prescription itself.
Matthew Index – December 28, 2012 Genoa