PHARMA and the purity of medicines
The pharmaceutical industry has a lot of dirty laundry. Now, to help clean up The production plants both in the United States and abroad, the Department of Justice of the United States promises to take a "position particularly tough" at the plants to ensure safety and purity of prescription drugs.
The increased attention of the Department of Justice represents a change on the application of the approaches of the past Government in which US Food & Drug Administration he had taken the initiative to start investigations on production plants pharmaceutical for violations of good manufacturing standards (GMP).
While the FDA continue to have a key role, The informants they use the False Claims Act That has opened the door to more active involvement of the Department of Justice in matters of enforcement against i offenders dirtier. The Department of Justice investigate all the lawsuits filed under the False Claims Act, including those That they argue Medicare and others health programs governments that have been defrauded for paying drugs adulterated.
Translation by Riccardo Bevilacqua
Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikakelton/2013/06/06/