(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) – Milan, Jul 21 - Two pharmaceutical entrepreneurs have been arrested on charges of fraudulent asset bankruptcy. The order for precautionary custody in prison and the order for the application of house arrest was carried out this morning by the Unit of Tax Police of the Guardia di Finanza of Milan, as part of an investigation coordinated by prosecutors Cajetan Ruta And Luigi Bears. The investigations made it possible to discover how a company operating in the pharmaceutical product marketing sector, after having increased its workforce as a result of some sales of company branches by drug multinationals and received sums exceeding one hundred million euros as negative goodwill, failed to pay into the closed fund of the category of employees Scientific Pharmaceutical Representatives the relative shares of severance indemnities, has purchased shareholdings in associated companies for several tens of millions of euros and paid for consultancy of dubious nature and effectiveness, closing the various years always at a loss. Com-Fon- (RADIOCOR) 21-07-11 12:39:16 (0149) 5 NNNN 
Gdf Milano arrests two pharmaceutical entrepreneurs for bankruptcy
MILAN (Reuters) - The Guardia di Finanza in Milan this morning executed a custody order in prison and a house arrest order against two entrepreneurs accused in various capacities of fraudulent asset bankruptcy.
The provincial command of Milan writes it in a note, clarifying that "the investigations have made it possible to discover how a company operating in the marketing of pharmaceutical products" has operated assets in various ways.
The Fiamme Gialle, heard by telephone, specified that the bankrupt company in question is Marvecs Pharma, which allegedly "acquired dead branches of other companies, even larger ones, also incorporating employees and therefore receiving a form of compensation for having incorporated the workforce, only to then put the employees on layoffs without even paying the relative shares of severance pay into the closed-end fund of the category of Scientific Pharmaceutical Representatives employees".
However, the Tax Police Unit did not specify the amount of the fraud, specifying that the evaluation is also complex because it includes intangible assets such as brands. However, the company "received as negative goodwill sums exceeding one hundred million euros" for the incorporated employees.
Marvecs Pharma went bankrupt on January 14, leaving 577 workers at home. The Cisl of Milan writes it on its website, adding that "the responsibilities of an improvised entrepreneur and of the pharmaceutical companies have played a decisive role".
(Sergio Matalucci)
Marvecspharma, something is starting to move and the situation