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The drug companies are not there. And they say they are ready for general mobilization if the rules for the sector do not change. The statement of position came yesterday from the extraordinary assembly of industrialists, convened in Rome by Farmindustria. No more price cuts for companies. Stop the reference price system which penalizes the citizen and risks leading to a "state medicine". Yes to a single and uniform health service throughout the territory, not differentiated, therefore, from Region to Region. These are some complaints, which are followed by a series of requests. First of all the urgent launch of the announced "Table for a new drug policy" and the need for a Stability Pact for a coherent and unambiguous drug policy for the development of the sector, and for an adequate ceiling for pharmaceutical expenditure . Last but not least, the request to the Government, Parliament, the Medicines Agency and the Regions for a "moratorium on price interventions and the definition of a stable, certain and shared regulatory framework". Pharmaceutical companies, strategic for our country's economy - reads a note - will play a difficult game in the coming months: that of the growth or decline of their presence in Italy. For the game to be won, however, the rules must change. While questions are rightly being raised about the future of social security in a rapidly aging country, little attention is paid to the effects of the same phenomenon on pharmaceutical expenditure.
How will the consequences in terms of budget of immigration and the growth of the population of the over 65 year olds, an age group in which it is physiological to spend more than double the average on medicines, be addressed? And how to cover the constant increase in the health demand of Italians to whom research is offering new therapeutic solutions for still untreated pathologies? ask the industrialists, who therefore reiterate their 'no' to the policy of cutting the prices of medicines which, due to the nine maneuvers of the last two years, are now 30 per cent below the European average, with peaks of up to 40 per cent hundred. In this context, a system such as that of the reference price (full reimbursement only for lower cost drugs) is also unacceptable, which penalizes the patient by restricting the therapeutic offer totally paid for by the NHS, destroys any innovation capacity of the pharmaceutical industry and in the medium term it leads to "state medicine".
From www.doctoenews.it

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