Historical Archive

Fake drug for children, Nas: investigation born from a report from a pharmacist


It was a pharmacist in Rome who reported to the pharmacovigilance system the inadequate and suspected consistency of the drug (Ozopulmin) in suppositories, blocked by the Nas as it did not contain the indicated active ingredient. The Nas investigation, conducted with the Italian Medicines Agency and the Higher Institute of Health, started from the report, which led to the arrest of three managers of the pharmaceutical company Geymonat, accused of having marketed three lots, equal to 35,000 packs, of this counterfeit and ineffective product. The investigators discovered that the company no longer had the active ingredient available, due to problems with trade agreements, but did not want to stop producing so as not to lose its share of the market. According to the indications given by the deputy commander of the Nas, Antonio Diomeda, during the press conference on the operation, the drug intended for pediatric use must be delivered to the Nas or to the pharmacist. The three managers, explained the Nas, "in full awareness of exposing a considerable number of people and children to health risks, had placed on the market a counterfeit drug not suitable for its therapeutic purpose, which could have caused an aggravation of respiratory diseases".
«As always we must congratulate the Nas commanded by General Piccinno for the excellent work done to protect the health of citizens. But in this case it should be emphasized that it was a pharmacist who reported the anomalies » comment in a note Andrea Mandelli President of the Federation of Italian Pharmacists' Orders «Even if it doesn't always give rise to sensational cases like this, the work of pharmacovigilance is one of the daily tasks of all pharmacists, whether they work in community pharmacies, in hospitals or in territorial structures». The surveillance system, remember Annarosa Racca, president of Federfarma "allows early intervention at the first alarm for public health, and it works because at its top it has highly efficient institutions, from Nas to Aifa, and also because at its base is the network represented by 18,000 Italian pharmacies, manned by highly qualified professionals and connected in real time with Federfarma and the health authorities". Satisfaction also from the Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin: «The seizure of the drug Ozopulmin and the arrest of the alleged perpetrators of the counterfeiting was made possible by the synergy of all the organs of the ministry of health involved in safeguarding the safety of the patient and I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all». (SZ)

20 June 2013 – pharmacist33



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