Faculty of Medicine, the maneuver: "Stop the limited number, but not immediately"

The medicine test 2018 potrebbe essere l’ultimo a carattere nazionale poiché, a partire dal prossimo anno, si potrebbe concretizzare l’idea di una modifica sostanziale della prova d’ammissione per il test 2019. The October 15 the Council of Ministers ha approvato il disegno di legge relativo al bilancio di previsione dello Stato per l’anno finanziario 2019 e al bilancio pluriennale per il triennio 2019-2012 e al suo interno, stando al comunicato stampa diramato nella giornata di ieri, ci sono anche importanti novità sul medicine tests, la prova di ingresso che regola l’accesso al Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico di Medicina e Chirurgia. Il test che regola l’accesso al corso a numero programmato nazionale could be abolished.


But while the press is quick to give the notizia dell’abolizione del test di medicina e del numero chiuso, il Governo smentisce. “Non mi risulta” dichiara il ministro Bussetti, che in un joint statement con la ministra Grillo spiega più nel dettaglio che si sta lavorando a un’alternativa per aumentare i posti disponibili, ma che l’abolizione del numero chiuso non è in agenda per il 2019.

The Government does the same, which dopo aver diramato la nota ufficiale relativa all’ultimo Consiglio dei Ministri which reads at point 22: Abolition of the limited number in the Faculties of Medicine - The number limited in the Faculties of Medicine is abolished, thus allowing everyone to have access to studies turns around and declares (source: Corriere.it):

In merito al superamento del numero chiuso per l’accesso alla facoltà di Medicina, la presidenza del Consiglio precisa che si tratta di a medium-term policy goal for which a technical discussion will be launched with the competent ministries and the Conference of Rectors of Italian universities, which may include a gradual process of increasing the number of places available, until the limited number is exceeded.


The medicine test 2018, così come le prove d’ammissione degli anni precedenti, ha ricevuto diverse critiche. L’anno scorso erano finite dentro l’occhio del ciclone le logic questions, quest’anno lo strange case of Google searches.

I'm not so much irregularities or presumed to attract criticism, as much as the numbers of the test which is extremely selective: out of over 67,000 candidates, just under 10,000 will be able to enroll in the Single-cycle Master's Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery. Già a settembre si era aperto un fronte verso l’abolizione del test medicina, quando la Ministra Grillo aveva anticipato che l’accesso a Medicina sarebbe cambiato.

da Studenti – From Maria Carola Pisano.

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Via the closed number in medicine, Fnomceo: "The government takes a step back"

TOWARDS THE FRENCH MODEL The starting point will be starting a table of work, with all the parties involved, starting from crui (the rectors' conference); the arrival one is the aforementioned “French model”. Beyond the Alps there is no entry selection: everyone can enroll in Medicine. The closed number, however, is only postponed to end of the first year (and often in the recent past there were even fewer places than those made available in Italy): students must take a overall test, very hard and based on specific topics covered in class, only the 20-30% of candidates surpasses it. In Italy we would like to arrive at a similar system, but times and mode are all to be defined: the basic idea is a selection after the first year of studies on the basis of exams taken and gods votes taken, to understand if even a real test as happens in France (but there, for example, there are those who would like to abolish it). First, however, we need to reduce enrollments (67,000 are too many), strengthening orientation, and putting universities in a position to host a greater number of students at least for the first year, perhaps playing in synergy with other faculties with which there are initial exams in common. It's almost impossible for all of this to happen within a few months.

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