MILAN - Even the Savona police station has decided to see clearly. Because it is one thing to sell carpets, towels, T-shirts and jewelery on the beach. Another is peddling fake Viagra. Senegalese. Albeit at the request of the bathers. Who in recent days have bought «Sa-ma-na» from street vendors with 10 euros: a ball of pressed herbs, vegetable stuff, which once swallowed should ensure virility. The fact could be considered as a color news, summer. Except that the demand for cheap "Senegalese viagra" on the beaches of Savona confirms a slightly more serious phenomenon: Liguria is among the regions that in the summer register a significant increase in the consumption of real anti-impotence medicines , those that can be bought in pharmacies only on medical prescription: Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. The package sales of Cialis in the holiday resorts prove it: Liguria (+11), Emilia Romagna (+2), Abruzzo and Molise (+5), Marche (+3), Calabria (+4) and Sardinia (+8 ). An expert in sales of pharmaceutical products (he deals with the distribution of more than 1,500 pharmacies) Giambattista Neri, says that in the summer months at least 30 percent more are sold. And that at the moment it is Cialis that dominates the market. «They are the ones who are the protagonists in the information, more communicative and aggressive». They are so well informed that not only are men less ashamed than a few years ago to ask for the pill at the pharmacy, but the age range of consumption has also widened. "Young people. It is they who contribute to the increase in summer sales. Even if they wouldn't need it», says Neri. A thirty-year-old, or even a twenty-year-old, who goes to the disco "armed" with Cialis, does so out of shyness, for fear of failing or to compensate for the intake of drugs and alcohol which tend to depress sexual potency.
DESIRE GROWS IN SUMMER – An expert like Ciro Basile Fasolo, sexologist, aggregate professor at the psychiatry department of the University of Pisa, explains the growth in sales with the resurrection of summer desire. In practice: we consume more because we have more sex and having more sex we go to the pharmacist. «The sunlight of the summer has a positive effect on sex hormones. But above all, it is the absence of stress that is the main cause of liberation. With rest, the hormones that develop stress in a defensive function at work are reduced; while those that stimulate testosterone are enhanced». Translated: despite technology and progress, the body of men and women still behaves like that of our ancestors. After all, adds the sexologist, "in the summer months in all Western countries births increase nine months apart (a very French detail), as well as sales of condoms, requests for HIV tests and sexually transmitted diseases".
PILLS FOR THOSE WHO DON'T NEED THEM - The consumption of male pills even among those who do not need it is confirmed by pharmacists. In Palau (pharmacy Nicolai) the increase is about 60 percent. "Many are young." Ditto in the Dell'Alba pharmacy in Riccione: «We sell a lot, we are in a transitional position, which is ideal». Many young people don't know that for those with a normal erection the pill is useless: it doesn't multiply performance. The average cost of a pill is 13 euros