With the appointment of the presidents, the pieces of the House and Senate Commissions are definitively composed. With regard to the two health care areas, Senate Hygiene and Health and Social Affairs of the Chamber, after the presidencies of Emilia DeBiasi (PD) and Antonio Vargiu (Civic Choice) the names were defined, 27 And 46 [click] respectively, of the components. As imaginable, the president of Fnomceo is part of the Senate Commission Amedeo Bianco and that of Ipasvi Annalisa Silvestro, both of the Pd. Among the prominent names also that of the vice president of Fofi Luigi D'Ambrosio Lettieri (PDL) and that of Nerina Dirindin, former councilor for health in Sardinia. In the Hygiene and Health Commission, the names of two well-known names in politics also stand out, such as Dominic Scilipoti (PDL) and Robert Calderoli (North league). As far as the 46 members of the Social Affairs Commission are concerned, there is John Monchiero (Scelta Civica), former president Fiaso, while among the representatives of the Pdl the names of the former undersecretary stand out Eugenia Rockella and of Raffaele Calabro, father of the bill on the bio-will. The Democratic Party, on the other hand, ranks the group leader in the last legislature Margherita Miotto and the 5 Star Movement boasts a professional nurse, Andrea Cecconi, as group leader and Giulia Grillo, coroner among the 8 representatives of the Commission.
May 9, 2013 – DoctorNews