Therapeutic equivalence: doctors say no
Radiologists are now also contesting the Aifa resolution on therapeutic equivalence. First it was the turn of Fimmg (Italian Federation of general practitioners) and Snami (National Union of Italian doctors), important medical unions.
In a note, Carmelo Privitera, president of Sirm (Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology) underlines how “Once equivalence has been established, the Regions will be able to issue tenders with the awarding of a single supplier, leaving the discretion to the doctor only in very limited cases. In imaging diagnostics, this is detrimental to the patient who will have injected the available contrast medium and not the one decided in full autonomy and legal responsibility by the Radiologist".
Privitera follows the statements of the past few days Sylvester Scotti, Fimmg national secretary: “There is the risk – he said – of starting to look at the health system by pursuing purely economic reasoning, covering it however with an alleged scientific guise, completely questionable. On these issues it would be appropriate to open a public consultation before reaching a decision that takes into account the opinion of professionals, patient associations and citizens".
Contrary too Angel Head, Snami president: "We reiterate Snami's firm no to this kind of treatment because there is no certain therapeutic equivalence for medicines containing different active ingredients, but only similar characteristics"
Related news. SNAMI. NO to therapeutic equivalence of drugs. Not everything is allowed in the name of savings