In primo piano trasparenza e attenzione ai conflitti di interessi: il documento presentato in Commissione assembleare definisce per il personale doveri, principi e norme etiche. L’obiettivo è rendere omogenei i Codici esistenti, che dovranno essere aggiornati entro fine maggio.
Bologna, 29 gennaio 2018 – Obbligo di astensione dal partecipare a decisioni o attività in situazioni di conflitto di interessi, anche potenziale. Nessuna richiesta, né accettazione, per sé o per altri, di regali o altre utilità. Divieto di assumere incarichi in associazioni e organizzazioni (anche quelle di volontariato o senza fini d lucro) che possano causare un conflitto di interessi con l’attività svolta all’interno dell’Azienda.
Choice and contents of the Code fall within the policies for the prevention of corruption and for the promotion of transparency in healthcare defined with a specific provision, contained in regional law 9 of 2017. The general principles on which the text is based are the centrality of the person, the principle of non-discrimination, legality and transparency, confidentiality, valorisation of professional assets, risk management and safety protection.
The standard scheme was prepared with the company contacts who are part of the regional table (set up in December 2017) for the coordination of measures regarding transparency and prevention of corruption of the companies and bodies of the Health Service; it was shared with the Directorate-General for Personal Care, Health and Welfare and with the Companies.
It has been drawn up taking into account the recent guidelines adopted by the National Anti-Corruption Authority, the Codes of Conduct already in place in the individual Health Trusts (as required by Presidential Decree 62 of 2013), and the Code of Conduct for public employees.
What is the Code
The Code defines the constitutional duties, principles and ethical standards of behavior for the personnel who work in the Regional Health Trusts in private relations, in service and in relations with the public and the media.
What does it predict
Based on the Code, personnel inform the Company on which they depend, through a specific declaration, of all relationships that have occurred, for any reason, in the last three years with external subjects from which a conflict of interest may arise, including potential. This statement specifies any fees received and benefits enjoyed, whether directly or indirectly. The forms have been prepared in a uniform way for all the companies as part of the work carried out by the regional transparency and anti-corruption table.
In reiterating that the recipients do not ask for or solicit, for themselves or for others, gifts or other benefits (services, opportunities), the Code specifies "not even of modest value", i.e. of an occasional nature and of a value not exceeding 150 euros for each gift.
Recipients of the Code cannot take on positions in associations and organizations that could place them in conflict of interest with the activity carried out within the company, including voluntary associations and non-profit organizations. Both in service and in private relationships, they pursue the interests of the Company, they must not harm its image, they must not make public offensive statements against it. In relations with the media, they must pay particular attention to the protection of the privacy and dignity of individuals, to the right to the protection of personal data and those relating to health.
And again: research and experimentation, activities following the death of a patient, sponsorships and training ("sponsored training is permitted if it reasonably brings a benefit to the institutional activity carried out and on the basis of non-nominative proposals addressed to the Company, in compliance with current regulations").
Finally, relationships with pharmaceutical companies/or medical device manufacturers; on this point “it is forbidden to receive prizes, pecuniary advantages or in kind, unless they are of negligible value and are in any case connected to the activity carried out by the doctor or pharmacist. The quantification of the aforementioned negligible value is set at a maximum of twenty euros per year per pharmaceutical company, for each individual doctor or pharmacist".
Who monitors the application
The managers, the Disciplinary Procedures Office, the Head of Corruption Prevention and Transparency (RPCT), the personnel service, the OIV (Independent Evaluation Body) of the Regional Health Service with the collaboration of the corporate support body.
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