A British cardiologist got the green light to test a new drug against chronic migraine on 280 patients, which could represent a breakthrough for the treatment of this pathology that afflicts millions of people. The hypothesis from which the doctor, who works at Guy's Hospital in London, started is that of a link between some heart disorders and the brain. Is called clopidogrel, and so far it is used as an antiplatelet agent. It could become the drug of the future for fighting migraine. The British cardiologist is convinced of this John Chambers, who tested it on five patients obtaining very positive results. The basic hypothesis is that migraine may be the result of tiny blood clots forming in the heart and reaching the brain, altering blood flow and causing the typical symptoms: pain, nausea and photophobia. The results of the trial, for which they were made available I35 thousand euros, will be known next year. Avvenire of 27/12/2007 p. 2