EMA, CODACONS: no to the European drug agency in Milan

In Italy too many conflicts of interest between health managers and pharmaceutical companies, the agency could not operate with the necessary serenity

Codacons – 20 October 2017

Reject Milan's candidacy as seat of the European Medicines Agency. This was requested by Codacons, which in this sense has already turned to the European Commission, in view of the final decision which will arrive on November 20th.

It is quite clear that Italy is the least suitable country to host an important body such as the European Medicines Agency - explains the association - This is because over time and especially following the debate on vaccines, serious conflict situations have emerged interests that see executives and public officials in the health sector (Iss, Aifa, Ministry of Health) ambiguously linked to pharmaceutical companies, through projects, partnerships and financing of various types. A situation currently being examined by the Anti-Corruption Authority, to which Codacons has sent a detailed complaint.

We have therefore written in recent weeks to the European Commission, asking it to reject Milan's candidacy because, in the event of the Agency moving from London to Milan, the body would be subjected to the heavy influences of drug manufacturers, and would not be able to carry out its role and duties with the necessary serenity and independence – concludes Codacons.

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