Angelo De Rita has died

Angelo De Rita left us forever. The sad news was communicated to us today and it filled us with emotion and pain.

Former President of the Florence/Pistoia Section, nIn 1977 De Rita was elected vice president of Ancsif (as the Italian Association of ISF was then called) and in 1981 he was elected President of the AIISF, a position he held for many years and of which he was still the honorary President. He was also president of UIADM, the international association of scientific representatives.

It would take too long to describe his tireless activity in defense of the dignity and work of Scientific Representatives and among these, however, we cannot fail to mention the continuous work, at all levels, to arrive at a legal recognition of the profession of ISF and of a related Register.

All Italian legislation protecting the ISF is due to the AIISF and to De Rita, who was its president, to his great commitment, his dedication to the Association, his passion and also his personal sacrifice. If AIISF still exists it is above all thanks to him.

With him we lose the historical memory of the ISF, one of our staunch defenders, a friend.

From today we are a little more alone. Dear Angelo, we will never be able to forget you. You will forever remain in our hearts.

A nome di tutti gli ISF d’Italia inviamo le nostre commosse condoglianze ai familiari del caro Angelo

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