There were many reactions to the Florence investigation into an alleged criminal conspiracy between specialist doctors and multinational pharmaceutical companies. Patrizio Mondì, president of the Italian Association of Scientific Drug Representatives expresses «the firmest condemnation of the commission of illicit conduct aimed at obtaining enrichment, corporate or personal, carried out behind the back of the patient. The drug is, and must remain, a tool for healing, not a consumer good. I hope» continues Mondì «that the professional orders of doctors and pharmacists, and the associations of drug companies, will be able to isolate any unlawful behavior by their members. At the same time I express the hope that the legislator will want to imagine the establishment of a professional Register of Scientific Pharmaceutical Representatives, so that the control and self-regulation system can be strengthened even within our category, in the primary interest of human health". .
Pharmacist33 – 5 October 2010 – Year 6, Number 168