Dompè. Layoffs in progress. Union statement. Ed

La multinazionale DOMPE’ a L’Aquila non rinnova 30 contratti, esternalizza attività e non vuole contrattare l’integrativo aziendale scaduto. Segnali chiari e molto allarmanti che coinvolgono tutti i lavoratori che sono molto preoccupati per il loro futuro e per la continuità produttiva nel nostro paese.

Dopo l’annuncio di importanti realtà farmaceutiche come TEVA di chiudere 2 stabilimenti nostro paese, e le ormai sempre più frequenti riorganizzazioni dell’informazione scientifica, arriva anche l’annuncio di DOMPE’ a preoccupare per il futuro della sede produttiva di L’Aquila e gli uffici di Milano.

DONPE' with a turnover that went from 250 million euros in 2017 to 530 million in 2020, turnover more than doubled in three years, also through the development contract for post-earthquake reconstruction, inaugurated the new production area in 2018 , with the expansion of the L'Aquila site by about 9,000 square meters, benefiting from a contribution of 9.5 million euros allocated by Invitalia, with a total investment of 41.5 million euros. This investment should have allowed the company a production capacity of about 50 million packs a year, with a forecast of about 330 employees, currently standing at 240 and destined to decrease further.

Things are no better in the Milan office, where around 200 people work, around which around 180 drug sales representatives with an agency contract (Enasarco).
Inoltre, è in corso una delocalizzazione di attività verso l’Albania, dove l’azienda sta potenziando l’occupazione a scapito degli uffici di Milano.

Therefore, it is highly worrying to note that companies like DOMPE' benefit from important public resources in our country, declaring prospects and development, and then instead, only after a few years, decide to downsize their projects in favor of other countries.

The National Secretariats of Filctem, Femca and Uiltec will immediately request knowledge of the current and future projects of the pharmaceutical multinational and at the same time will continue to request the convening of a government table on the sector to verify the situation that could negatively affect the production capacity of drugs in our Village.


Rome, 20 July 2021

Ed.: As is known, the Enasarco employment contract does not exist as it is a Foundation for supplementary pensions on a voluntary basis for the ISFs. It is mandatory only for commercial agents referred to in articles 1742 and 1752 of the civil code who carry out direct sales. Direct sales prohibited by law for ISFs. Enasarco itself in its regulation specifies that the ISF, not being commercial agents, can only register voluntarily to activate a supplementary pension. The ISF cannot be commercial agents as also established by the Court of Cassation with the order no. 10158 of 16 April 2021 And the sentence 19394/2014 

So there are 3 possible hypotheses: 1)- Dompè hires ISF with illegal contracts framing them in contrast with the laws in force as commercial agents; 2)- Enasarco has illegally accepted non-voluntary members in violation of art. 1 of Regulation of the Institutional Activities of the Foundation; 3) - Unions do not know what they are talking about.

Excluding the third hypothesis, it would be good for the trade unions to investigate the matter and, if it is as planned, give rise to a legal action to ensure that the ISFs, false VAT numbers, are hired under CCNL.


Related news: Press release. Dompé farmaceutici: we continue to hire and invest to maintain excellence and competitiveness


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