
From local authorities, M5S amendment passes, more transparency in Aifa-company disputes

Rome, July 20 - "The requests for rectification" of the data for the "payback" allocation, which will be presented by the pharmaceutical companies, will be published "on the institutional sites of the Region concerned and of AIFA”.

RIFday - LJuly 20, 2016 – REF day

This is foreseen by an amendment of the 5 Star Movement to the local authorities decree, approved in the Budget Commission in the Chamber, aimed at making the regulation of the dispute between Aifa and pharmaceutical companies more transparent.

"In the Local Authorities Decree, the government measures on pharmaceutical spending allow companies to return only the 90% or 80%, compared to the provisional amounts indicated by AIFA, if they do not submit any requests for rectification" explain the pentastellati deputies, illustrating the rationale of their amendment in a note published yesterday. “In our view, this regulation is an overly generous discount to these companies and we believe that they, and not citizens, should pay in full for the over-the-counter pharmaceutical spending."

But yesterday, the M5S deputies of Social Affairs still inform, another important amendment of the group was also approved, with first signature Giulia Grillo (in the picture): provides that Aifa makes public the data relating to the monitoring forms of drugs subject to conditional reimbursement.

"In those files, until now for the exclusive use of the Agency, all the data relating to the administration of drugs - usually experimental - are entered, with the relative diagnosis and outcome of the treatment" write the M5S deputies. “If these drugs are effective, the State must reimburse the costs to the pharmaceutical company. In the event of a negative outcome, however, we ask that the drug be paid entirely by the manufacturer".

Related news: The Lazio Tar on the pay-back and the repercussions on the governance of pharmaceutical expenditure

Drugs, shelves of 1.5 billion for industries

AIFA. Payback: interpretative clarifications from the Ministry of Health

The text of the provision on local authorities

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