Distribution of NHS expenditure by expenditure functions - Year 2008
Personal – 33.2%
Goods and other Services – 29.1%
Conventioned General Medicine - 5,7%
Pharmaceutical agreement -10,6%
Affiliated and accredited specialist – 3,7%
Accredited rehabilitation – 1,8%
Affiliated and accredited Integrative and Prosthetics – 1,7%
Other approved and accredited Assistance – 5,3%
Accredited hospitaller – 8,4%
Other expense functions – 0.5%
Expenditure Functions NHS Expenditure (Billions of Euros)
Staff 35,177
Goods and other services 30.865
Conventioned general medicine 6.084
Pharmaceutical agreement 11,208
Affiliated and accredited specialist 3,923
Accredited Rehabilitation 1,958
Affiliated and accredited Integrative and Prosthetics 1,764
Other agreed and accredited Assistance 5,642
Hospitaller accredited 8,949
Other expenditure functions 0.534
Other institutions financed by the National Health Fund 0.546
TOTAL 106,650
Source: most recent data provided by the Ministry of Health
Editor's note: The 800 million euros that the NHS will save with the reduction in the price of generics represent 0.75% of the total expenditure and a still incalculable number of job losses. At the same time there is no mention of savings on patronage "administrative" personnel (it would be enough to block the turnover) and on the cost of goods and other services (which together represent 66% of total expenditure). An excellent and forward-looking result! Compliments!