Frances Salvador 06/05/2014
Category: Sciences and technologies – Blogs of OggiTreviso
Dated, but always current, "Inventors of diseases" is an investigative journey that starts from the United States and traces a disturbing story on the pharmaceutical colonization of large slices of the planet's population, through the alluring suggestions of advertising campaigns, the countless conflicts of interest and the many hidden complicities.
The article highlights how the financialized pharmaceutical industry is today somehow forced to magnify new diseases, often with careful fear marketing strategies, in order to ensure an increasing return on its shares.
The damage to the global community and its health is incredibly evident.
Counterfeit clinical studies, the invention of pathologies, the sale of useless, if not harmful, drugs, zealous informants and compliant doctors… feed a market from which multinationals derive immense profits.
In America more than 5 million children are treated with psychotropic drugs, simply because they are "too" lively.
The Italian edition of the dossier is edited by Silvestro Montanaro, one of the few journalists worthy of the name.
For further information: "The inventors of diseases" by Jarg Blech Lindau, 2006 - Farma & Co. by Marcia Angeli