The initiative is from Federaisf, which sent the signatures to Monti, Passera, Balduzzi and to the undersecretary of the Economy Pollilo asking for the repeal of "a useless regulation" which "is against the free market, humiliates the doctor, will produce thousands of layoffs and will increase the costs of social safety nets".
12 NOV – Sono 1.125 le firme che Federaisf, la Federazione delle associazioni di informatori scientifici del farmaco, ha raccolto attraverso il sito web associativo per chiedere l’abrogazione del comma 11 bis dell’art. 15 della legge n. 135/2012, meglio conosciuta come la Spending review. E sono state tutte inviate, accompagnate da una lettera di motivazioni, al presidente del Consiglio Mario Monti, al ministro per lo Sviluppo economico Corrado Passera, al ministro della Salute Renato Balduzzi e al sottosegretario all’Economia Gianfranco Pollilo.
The law, writes the national secretary of the Federaisf Roberto Bevilacqua in the letter, obliging doctors to indicate only the active ingredient on prescriptions, "raises the problem of unconstitutionality because it is clearly in contrast with the provisions that regulate the free market".
This "without any saving or advantage for the State". Rather, "penalizing most drug companies resulting in the loss of thousands of drug sales representatives jobs."
This is why Federaisf calls for the repeal of the law and also for "state intervention in determining the reference price of generic drugs without interfering with the free market by arbitrarily deciding the future of companies, and thousands of jobs, which have nothing to do with state savings".