Rome, 19th April. (AdnKronos) – “Based on the Def, a new, gigantic cut to the NHS will arrive in 2017, equal to 3.5 billion, which in 2018 will even break through to 5 billion. This picture is not worrying, but apocalyptic: healthcare is used as an ATM to plug the chasms of the government's failed economic policies and is being massacred. It is a real conspiracy against citizens and the right to health and, therefore, the behavior of subjects in government is objectively dangerous for the community".
Thus the group of the 5 Star Movement in the Chamber. “We recall that in the Economic and Financial Document, health expenditure as a percentage of GDP will drop from the current 6.8% - already lower than the average for OECD countries - to 6.7% in 2017 and 6.6% in 2018. Continuing in the list of horrors, we note how in the Def the block on the turnover of medical-hospital personnel in the Regions with a recovery plan is confirmed and extended. All this – the grillini remark – despite the fact that the government had recently approved our motion in the Chamber which provided for the release. Furthermore, while the number of recipes is reduced, the ticket paid by citizens increases at the same time".
“We fear – add the deputies of the M5S – that these are two correlated factors: a lower use of treatment due to the cost of medicines that are no longer sustainable which, for the purpose of compensation, determines a further increase in the co-payment. In relation to health expenditure, this undergoes an increase of 1.1 billion compared to the forecast in the update note of the Def 2015, mainly due to the expansion of hospital pharmaceutical expenditure”.
“An expansion – underline the 5 Stars – whose excessive dimensions we have detected and reported through parliamentary acts, reminders and requests for an opinion from Anac and Antitrust. Meanwhile of the new Leas, stuck in 2001, there is still no trace. All these elements, described here only briefly, describe a situation that is no longer alarming, but tragic. The government, we have been saying for years, is implementing a project to dismantle health care, subordinating health to the logic of profit. A plan which, with the system called 'democracy', has nothing to do anymore”, they conclude.
Adnkronos THE TIME – 04/19/2016
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Healthcare at risk, after approval of the Def more than probable cuts