Abc of the Development decree - C
Digital medical record and prescription. Accelerator blow to the process of digitalization of medical prescriptions, defining certain and equal times throughout the national territory. It is planned to extend the marketability of pharmaceutical prescriptions (currently limited to the single region) to the whole national territory.
Il Sole 24 Ore – read on http://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/notizie/2012-10-04/decreto-sviluppo-205809.shtml?uuid=AbfEGeoG
Dl Development approved in CdM. Digital recipes by 2015. Paper recipes cost 1 euro each
A single document for health card and identity card, electronic health file and digital prescriptions by 2015. These are the health measures contained in the Development Decree approved today by the Council of Ministers. Patroni Griffi: "Digital healthcare will produce substantial savings".
04 OCT – “Digital healthcare will allow substantial savings”. This was stated by the Minister of Public Administration, Filippo Patroni Griffi, illustrating the health measures contained in the Development Decree just approved by the Council of Ministers during the press conference at Palazzo Chigi.
For healthcare, in particular, the provision on growth introduces the electronic health record and the digital prescription