Primary care, but also rules for the governance of public health and medicines (in particular the rules for the use of off-label medicines). These are the points on which about 700 amendments to the Balduzzi Decree arrived in the Social Affairs Committee of the Chamber, so much so that it will most likely also take part of next week to examine them all.
According to what was declared to Ansa by one of the rapporteurs of the health decree, Lucio Barani (PDL), most of the requests for modifications focus on article 1 of the measure which redesigns the organization of primary care. On this point (between the two rejected by the Regions together with the rules on the appointment of general and primary directors), he underlines, "there will be work to be done by the government and the rapporteurs". The Pdl presented almost 300 amendments in all, the Pd about a hundred (126) and the IDV almost as many (about ninety); 65 modification proposals came from the League and 84 from the UDC which did, says Paola Binetti, "a careful reading of the whole provision, trying to recover, for example, part of the debate that has already emerged on clinical governance" also because "this is the 'last great opportunity to finish issues we've been working on for four years.'
October 2, 2012 – DoctorNews
Hon. Miotto, PD group leader in the Social Affairs Commission
From Tuscany letter to Passera against pro-generic norms
Measures to protect citizens' freedom of choice as well as the survival and development of the Italian pharmaceutical company, which is a quality industry and must continue to represent a cornerstone of our country's development. This is the request at the heart of a letter that the councilor of the Tuscany Region for productive activities, Gianfranco Simoncini, sent to the Minister of Economic Development, Conrad Passera, invoking an intervention for the pharmaceutical industry, embarrassed by the provision on the prescription of the p! active beginning. Simoncini was motivated by "concern for the production situation in Tuscany as a result of news of the collapse in sales of pharmaceutical products with original brands, following the entry into force of law 135/2012 which obliges the doctor to prescribe by indicating only the principle active". According to the commissioner, "this rule not only does not lead to savings for public budgets but limits citizens' choice and furthermore, by altering the market, risks causing a very heavy blow to the Italian pharmaceutical industry, putting at risk hundreds and so on